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Ponndorf Gerätetechnik GmbH
Leipziger Straße 374
D-34123 Kassel

Tel.:   +49-561-51139-0
Fax.: +49-561-51139-88

General manager: John Hoorneman

Commercial Registry Kassel, HRB 3481
Local Court Kassel

VAT REG NO: DE 113 083 342


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Product configurator. Find your suitable pump system with the Pump-Finder.

Why hose pumps?
What are the advantages of a hose pump?

A hose pump offers many possibilities to pump almost every medium which pass through the hose. As various as the fields of applications are also the advantages which are decisive for the use of a Ponndorf Hose Pump.


Pumping successful products:

Ponndorf Hose Pumps are successfully in use for pumping in following sectors: chemical and pharmaceutical industry, glass, ceramic and porcelain, plant engineering and construction, resins and plastics, water / wastewater treatment, food industry, wood and paper, automotive industry...